Only a year away
This is Pacific Purple and marks the survival of our asparagus over the winter. Hopefully all our plants will have survived and we can...
Rhubarb snaps
With the first healthy trunks of rhubarb up we decided to make an accompaniment to our rhubarb sorbet in the form of a criunchy rhubarb...
Apple and Rosemary Jelly
Our neighbour Susan kindly gave us the last of her Bramleys from last year and they needed immediate processing. We decided on a quick...
Sourdough experiments
There is not alot to do in the garden at this time of year so it gives us time to have a bit of a play in the kitchen. Today we decided...
Oven dried tomato and rosemary bread
Some bread for croutons today. We want to make them a bit more interesting so are adding tomatoes dried in an oven for a few hours with a...
Sorrel Pesto
We have had sorrel steadily growing ,in spite of the onslaught of an army of slugs, and getting very little attention from us all summer....
Celery salt
Our first head of celery was finally ready to harvest and we ate the sticks as a base for shepherds pie and braised with some chard with...
First sourdough breads
After a couple of feeds we decided our starter was ready to try out. We went for 300g of starter to 500g of strong white flour a little...
Birth of a starter
Today marks the first day of our sourdough starter and is the last plum releated product of the year.The idea is that there is yeast on...
Plum Glut
Our three plum sisters (damson, czar and victoria) have now reached their optimun ripeosity and with two big blue Ikea bags to process i...